Booking Process & Info

You can watch individual modules by clicking here. By far the best value and most engaging is by visiting and attending our 2 day webinar. However, we realise that's not for everyone!
Here's the process if you can make it:
01/ Follow our booking link to our external payment processing gateway.
02/ On the booking page it shows a range of dates. All you need to select is 'All Dates' and you will be signed up to all of the webinars in the series. (details below)
03/ After paying you will return to the Payment Successful page. Here you need to enter your details. Please ensure you do this after paying! You will be sent an email with the schedule as well as your webinar link and password. Please ensure to check your junk email folder if you have not received it instantly.
04/ All the times listed are in the email and on our website are GMT. You can amend these in the booking process but we only publish GMT.
05/ If you join late, no problem. The webinar is recorded and then available to watch for 72 hours after the session start time with the links provided.
06/ Each webinar session requires a different web address, but the password will remain the same.
07/ 15 minutes before the start of each webinar you will receive an email and a text message (if you provided us a mobile number) with the link. The webinars are recorded so you can use any of the links sent for 72 hours after the start time.
08/ You can ask questions within the webinar chat. These will be taken by the two pilot moderators and sent to the producer who will forward to your instructor at a convenient time.
09/ There will also be poll questions from your instructor so do keep the chat open!
10/ If you would like to ask a question via video you will be given a link in a private message to click on with a code to enter. You will then be brought into the webinar. If you are doing this on the same device please mute the audio from the webinar in the browser window. We highly recommend you use a second device to video chat with your instructor, so you can mute your computers audio with the webinar.
11/ If you have any issues connecting please email info@737lounge.com, the email will be monitored live throughout the webinar.
12/ Please do leave us some feedback as we are committed to making this the best online aviation training resource.
Course Breakdown

Day 1 - 19/20th 2021 - 0930z 1630z
Welcome and Introduction
Master Caution & Panels
Fire Protection
Power Plant
Day 2 - 19/20th Jan 2021 - 0930z 1630z
Pneumatics & Air Conditioning
Pressurisation & Ice and Rain
Flight Controls
Landing Gear & Brakes
The principals who run 737 lounge are a combination of current airline pilots, type rating ground school and simulator instructors. They use their knowledge and experience to create the perfect content.
What You Need
We highly recommended that you have access to a QRH & FCOM as these are referenced throughout. Due to copywright issues we cannot supply copies of these.
You will only need a computer and web browser (we recommend Google Chrome) and a decent internet connection. You don't need any specialist software. If you would like to ask technical questions during the training day then you will need a webcam and microphone. Alternatively, you can just use the chat function in the Webinar. We recommend you use another device to call into the Webinar. If you use the same device you will need to mute the audio in WebinarJam whilst still being able to hear on your device.
£179 instead of £225 for first 10 to sign up!